
Prisacaru Asked Baltag Change His Affirmation

Publicat: 14 mart. 2007
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Prisacaru Asked Baltag Change His Affirmation

In order to get away with it, concerning the file he is in charge with taking bribery, ex-prefect Radu Prisacaru is being suspected of having tried to persuade another defendant within this record to change his affirmation.

„I was in the van together with the other three defendants and one of them, for understandable reasons I cannot utter his name, asked me change my affirmation. From the very moment, I told him I could not do it, and also that I had been accused even if I was innocent”, said Toni Baltag.
Lawyer Toni Baltag, the defendant whom he had been asked to change his affirmation, admitted within an official group that he had been required to depose in favor to the other defendants, respectively Flavius Ionita, the ex-manager of the State Domains Agency of Iasi (ADS), Cristian Maftei and Radu Prisacaru. Toni Baltag admitted evening front of the judges that he had been asked to change his affirmation, but he refused to say who from the other defendants had turned the heat on him.

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